165 Days In Quarantine
YEAR (TBA) | 15min (concept) | psychological drama — thriller
A US veteran from NY travels to Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic in hopes to free his mind, only to face his PTSD in isolation.
Writer & director Alex Kahuam
Starring Alberto Trujillo, María Evoli, Eligio Meléndez

So You Want To Be A Gangster?
2018 | 103min | comedy — crime — action
An actor struggling to make his way in Hollywood gets kidnapped and has to find a way out.
Writer & director Alex Kahuam

2018 | 7min (concept) | drama
Upon arrival to Los Angeles Airport a young Mexican man is sent to a second revision because of his ethnicity. While being interrogated he witnesses all the racism toward internationals.
Writer & director Alex Kahuam